From all of us here at The Secret Base of the Rebel Black Dot Society to all of you out there at the various distribution hubs of ye olde interweb, sincerest wishes for a happiest & most sympathetic Narwhal Day! The narwhal (Monodon monoceros), also narwal or narwhale, stands as proof positive of the old axiom, "Truth is stranger than fiction," a splendiferous reminder that the world is a weirder, wackier place that we'd think from our worn down, workaday vantage point.
The Oath of Narwhal Day
The narwhal is a noble, pitiable creature,
A magnificent, monstrous visage.
An asymmetrical tooth for a horn,
Or sometimes two, or sometimes none,
Half again as long as the beast.
I swear my sympathy for the narwhal.
I will not lie and convince it all is well,
But I will be a friend to the narwhal.
The mocking dolphins and snobby manatees
Will get their well-earned comeuppance,
And the narwhal will frolic all day.
I dream this dream of a narwhal
And celebrate it in all it's improbable, oddball glory,
On this the eleventh Narwhal Day.

A recent gift from The Watergirl, a good friend, a generous supporter of The Secret Base, & in her own right one of the last bloggers standing.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of Narwhal Day
D.J. Seaghost, "Sympathy for the Narwhal" from Rice Capades (Captain Thumbs-up)
Commentary: "Play something sad. Convince it all is not well."
The Wayback Machine Tour of Narwhal Day
This year marks the eleventh celebration of Narwhal Day & the ninth occasion on which The Secret Base has joined in the festivities. This retrospective has been a feature of this blog's coverage since the Year of Our Lord 2008.
Narwhal Day '10 | Narwhal Day '09
Narwhal Day '08 | Narwhal Day '07a & Narwhal Day '07b
Narwhal Day '06 | Narwhal Day '05
Narwhal Day '04 | Narwhal Day '03

Another recent gift from The Watergirl. Thanks, The Watergirl! There is nascent talk of appropriate Narwhal Day fare, adding the culinary dimension that most reputable holidays enjoy, but it's early days. There is yet plenty of time to take any such decision ahead of Narwhal Day '12. Happy Narwhal Day, one & all!
I suppose ... fish would be appropriate fare?
Manatee hearts, grilled and served in a Taco Salad. In the absence of real Manatee hearts, then chicken breast will do.
A joke was made about a photograph of some chicken breasts The Guy had grilled, a joke asking if they were bits of narwhal. I replied that this jest was dirty pool, because Narwhal Day is about celebrating the glory & sympathizing with the plight of the narwhal, not about making the narwhal into a tasty treat. I thus suggested manatee & dolphin as appropriate Narwhal Day fare, referencing the Oath's listing of these as enemies of the narwhal. However, manatee & dolphin might be difficult to acquire and/or illegal to slaughter for food; so, fish, properly emulating the narwhal's Arctic diet, might be better Narwhal Day fare. Or perhaps pastries & other baked goods made in the cartoony shape of narwhal or decorated with narwhals? I would surely love a Narwhal Day cake.
Nearly a year remains until the next Narwhal Day, & we have an extra day to wait since 2012 is a leap year. Plenty of time to give the issue further consideration & come to the right decision.
Narwhal cartoon!
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