Sunday, June 20, 2004

{Formerly Known as Empire City}

The Cloak's legion a.k.a. SPQR

"Eternal City" (Detroit)
The Cloak
The Gargoyle
The Owl

New Amsterdam (New York)
The Praetorian
The Spark - retired
(The Battery - RIP; killed in the line of duty)

Centropolis (Chicago)
The Echo
The Pyre

Puritan Bay (Boston)
The Proxy
The Tribune - quasi-independent

Patriot City (Philadelphia)
The Frost
(The Diviner - RIP; natural causes)

Imperium (London, UK)
The Erinys
The Alienist
Mercury - name under constant review, I need a good speedy name that goes with "The"*
The Aegis - provisional
(The Cypher - RIP; natural causes)

Lydonham (Birmingham, UK)
The Torch
The Fist - provisional

Ultrapolis (Tokyo, Japan)
The Kamikaze - character currently in flux; powers? no powers? what powers? who knows?
The Enigma
The Ghost

Privy Council (closet allies)
Sebastian Adair
The Mandarin
Aeronaut - semi-retired
Aero Girl
Mr. Noir
The Green Machine
The Spade - retired; paraplegic, wounded in the line of duty

*speedsters already include The Blur and The Streak, and of course DC's The Flash

Force Canada
Militarized mystery men were outlawed by a USA-USSR treaty in the late-1940s, but several nations have utilized mystery men in a police capacity. Foremost among these organizations is Force Canada, a branch of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Team Alpha "Maple Leafs"
Elastica - captain
The Falcon

Team Bravo "Canadiens"
Triumph - captain

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