Friday, September 9, 2016

Objective PORCUPINE | Hollywoodland

A collection of images from yesterday's PORCUPINE sabbatical/the observance of Star Trek's fiftieth anniversary on the FaceSpace. I applied this filter to my profile photograph, & set it to expire only at the end of the month.

My pal & fellow Misty Beaver Super Mario posted a screencap from his smartphone, to show me the special anniversary emojis, the inability to access which prompted yesterday's PORCUPINE post. A fellow parishioner, Papa Bravo, made the excellent point that all the time spent wrangling over the emojis highlighted the underlying logic & arguable necessity of PORCUPINE.

A fellow from another parish whom I know from a retreat last winter, Tango Oscar, sent me this screencap of his smartphone. The homescreen/wallpaper is not specifically fiftieth anniversary-themed, but it will be a warm day on Rura Penthe before I ever complain about any even remotely practical use of the L.C.A.R.S. graphic language.

Lastly, a simple yet artful banner to mark the celebration of the anniversary.

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