Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Urbi et Orbi: Is One Jim?

What is one supposed to do if one is endeavoring to be a devout Catholic & after daily Mass the celebrant (priest) says, vaguely in one's direction, "I want to talk to you, too, Jim," & (A) one's name is not Jim; (B) a lady not of one's acquaintance says that the celebrant seems to wish to speak to one; (C) the celebrant then proceeds to speak to several other persons, both ladies & gentlemen, any one of whom might be named Jim, & wanders off through a doorway whilst in conversation with one of the ladies; & (D) one is scheduled to attend an apostolate meeting, beginning in thirty minutes, at a parish located some fifteen minutes distant? One attended one's apostolate meeting on schedule & later wrote a blog post on the matter. However, one is still uncertain whether one should contact the celebrant's parish office to set up a meeting with the celebrant who might think one's name is Jim.

O the splendors of life in the One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic Church!

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