Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 351.0 lbs
This weigh-in: 343.8 lbs.
Difference: -7.2 lbs.

Yeah, that's basically a pound a day. I have no idea how I lost a pound a day. I was already preparing my excuses for why I'd gained weight this past week, including a theory that since I'd resumed weighing myself I'd experienced a lot of anxiety about the Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in, & that I'm an anxious eater. I guess I should drink more Faygo Redpop, not less.

Bonus! Song o' the Day
The Atomic Fireballs, "Starve a Fever" from Torch This Place (The Last Angry Man)

Commentary: I'm recovering from a short, sharp cold I caught from my mother, who caught it from her new job as a reading tutor. I credit the brevity of this affliction to a regular regimen of vitamin C in the form of Airborne tablets. Of course, I'm neither a physician nor do I play on on T.V., & I have no empirical data to support this claim.
"Starve a fever, feed a cold,
Can't forget the ills that I've been sold…"

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