Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
The Seven Sorrows of Mary are a popular Roman Catholic devotion. In common religious Catholic imagery, the Virgin Mary is portrayed in a sorrowful & lacrimating* affect, with seven long knives or daggers piercing her heart, often bleeding. Devotional prayers that consist of meditation began to elaborate on her Seven Sorrows based on the prophecy of Simeon.
*Lacrimation, n: secretion of tears
'Tis also the festival of Blessed Anton Maria Schwartz, Priest (1852-1929), founder of the Congregation of the Christian Workers of St. Joseph Calasanz: Blessed-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Workers.
'Tis also the festival of Blessed Paolo Manna, Priest, P.I.M.E. (1872-1952), founder of the Pontifical Missionary Union: Blessed-link & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link P.M.U.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Feria
The First Letter to Timothy, chapter one, verses one, two, twelve, thirteen, & fourteen;
Psalm Sixteen, verses one(b), two(a), & five; seven & eight; & eleven;
The Gospel according to John, chapter nineteen, verses twenty-five, twenty-six, & twenty-seven
or, the Gospel according to Luke, chapter two, verses thirty-three, thirty-four, & thirty-five.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, today we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. In our Gospel Jesus entrusts care of his mother to St. John. We can see some background for this profound action in The Passion of the Christ, the most provocative and popular religious movie in decades. What I would like to do is simply highlight a theme from the movie that especially struck me when I saw it.Video reflection by Matthew DeLeon: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The theme that I would like to emphasize is that of Mary, the mother of Jesus. We are compelled to see the scenes through her eyes. Early in Luke's Gospel, we are told that Mary "contemplated these things, reflecting on them in her heart." She is the theologian par excellence, the one who understands. When she sees Jesus being led away, she weeps and then she says "Amen."
In scene after scene, we watch her spiritual comprehension. The wonderful scene where she is marked with the Blood of her Son is especially evocative. And then the Pietà depiction at the very end, where we see Mary's role: to present the sacrifice of her Son to us and for us.
Mass Readings—Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Letter to the Hebrews, chapter five, verses seven, eight, & nine;
Psalm Thirty-one, verse seventeen;
The Gospel according to John, chapter nineteen, verses twenty-five, twenty-six, & twenty-seven
or, the Gospel according to Luke, chapter two, verses thirty-three, thirty-four, & thirty-five.
Commentary: I enjoy the phrasing, "The Gospel for this memorial is proper."
Bible Study—Proverbs in a Month
The Book of Proverbs, chapter fifteen (verses one thru thirty-three).
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