'Tis the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael, Archangels: Archangels-link & Wikipedia-link Michaelmas, Archangel-link Mike & Wikipedia-link Mike, Archangel-link Golf & Wikipedia-link Golf, & Archangel-link Romeo & Wikipedia-link Romeo.
Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
Michael is from the Hebrew Mikha'el, meaning "Who is as God?" His name is a battle cry. The name Gabriel seems to be composed of the Hebrew words, gebher, "man," & 'el, "God." It means, therefore, "Man of God" or "Strength of God." Raphael, from the Hebrew, rapha', "to heal," & 'el, "God," means "God heals," or the "Divine healer."'Tis also the festival of Blessed Richard Rolle, Hermit (circa 1300-1349, of Hampole): Blessed-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Saint René Goupil, Martyr, S.J. (circa 1606-1642), martyred by Mohawks, one of the eight North American Martyrs: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Martyrs-link & Wikipedia-link VIII.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Feast of Ss. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael
The Book of Daniel, chapter seven, verses nine, ten, thirteen, & fourteen;
or, the Book of Revelation, chapter twelve, verses seven thru twelve(a,b);
Psalm One Hundred Thirty-eight, verses one & two(a,b), two(c,d,e) & three, & four & five;
The Gospel according to John, chapter one, verses forty-seven thru fifty-one.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Meditating on these angels can tell us a great deal about the priesthood. For they exemplify the three fundamental tasks of the priest: healer, fighter, and evangelizer.Video reflection by Anastacio Hinojosa: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Raphael is a healer; consult the book of Tobit for the details. Michael is a fighter. When Satan dares to claim equality with God, Michael speaks his name, Mich-a-el, "Who is like God?" And this is his victory. And Gabriel is the great messenger angel, the one who announces the Incarnation to a young maiden of Nazareth.
Perhaps more than ever today, people are suffering with what the hymn calls "sin-sick souls". The great salve for all of these wounds is Jesus Christ. But who will bring this salve to a hurting world? This is why Christ raises up priests. Just think of the racism, the hatred, and the injustice that reign everywhere. Who will fight? This is why Christ raises up priests, as new Michaels.
Finally, Jesus is a preacher. He is, after all, the Word of God made flesh. Therefore, we shouldn't be surprised that the Word comes forth from him with unique power.
Bible Study—The Bible Timeline: Return
The Book of Nehemiah, chapter one (verses one thru eleven);
The Book of Nehemiah, chapter two (verses one thru twenty);
The Book of Nehemiah, chapter three (verses one thru thirty-eight);
The Book of Nehemiah, chapter four (verses one thru seventeen);
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty-four, verses twenty-four thru twenty-eight;
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty-five (verses one thru twenty-five);
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty-six (verses one thru thirteen);
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty-seven (verses one thru fifteen);
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty-eight (verses one thru twenty-two);
The Book of Jeremiah, chapter twenty-nine, verses ten thru fourteen.
Commentary: I. The Deeds of Nehemiah: Nehemiah's Vocation (Nehemiah, 1:1-11), Appointment by the King (2, 1-10), Circuit of the City (2: 11-16), Rebuilding Jerusalem's Walls (2:17-20), List of Workers (3:1-32), & Opposition from Judah's Foes (3:33-4:17); Cyrus, Anointed of the Lord, Liberator of Israel (Isaiah, 44:24-45:25), the Gods of Babylon (46:1-13), the Fall of Babylon (47:1-15), & Exhortations to the Exiles (48:1-22); & Letter to the Exiles in Babylon (Jeremiah, 29:10-14).
Bible Study—Proverbs in a Month
The Book of Proverbs, chapter twenty-nine (verses one thru twenty-seven).
Commentary: Conclusion of V. Second Collection of the Proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs, 29:1-27).
Bible Study
Psalm One Hundred Thirty-nine (verses one thru twenty-four).
Commentary: The All-knowing & Ever-present God (Psalm 139:1-24).
Bonus! Song of Michaelmas
MxPx, "Angels" from Secret Weapon (The Last Angry Man)
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