Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Distant Voices" (season three, episode eighteen; 10 April 1995): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "Distant Voices" is a bottle episode, shot entirely on the existing sets, as Starbase Deep Space 9 represents Julian Bashir's mind after a psychic attack by a new alien species, a Lethean named Altovar. Bashir, who is shortly to turn thirty years old, ages rapidly & encounters his crewmates embodying different aspects of his personality (Dax is his confidence, Sisko is his professionalism & skill). There are some great moments between Bashir & Garak, both in the framing narrative & in Bashir's mind, wherein Garak is a disguise used by Altovar.

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