Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"The Abandoned" (season three, episode six; 31 October 1994): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "The Abandoned" gives a first look into the Jem'Hadar's background: We learn of their extensive genetic modifications, especially their accelerated growth & inate dependence upon the drug we later learn is called Ketracel White—in common Dominion parlance, just "the White."

Constable Odo acts recklessly, his lingering resentment of his own time as a laboratory specimen overriding his experience & skill as a security officer. (Odo's name is a play on words, the Cardassian word
odo'ital—meaning "nothing," translated from the original Bajoran label, "unknown sample"—rendered as a Bajoran name, Odo Ital.) His attempt to bond with & soothe the savage breast of the juvenile Jem'Hadar fails utterly, the Jem'Hadars' defence to & inability to harm Changelings being the only thing that protects Odo & the starbase crew.

Quark is the unsung hero of "The Abandoned," having bought the wreckage which contained the infant Jem'Hadar as salvage from the Gamma Quadrant, from the sexy Boslic captain who also delivered Li Nalas's earring to Quark ("The Homecoming," the season two opener).

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