Thursday, May 9, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Civil Defense" (season three, episode seven; 7 November 1994): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: On The Next Generation, the Enteprise-D was a brand-new starship; on Voyager, the Voyager was a brand-new starship; on Enterprise, the Enteprise NX-01 was a brand-new starship; but on The Original Series, the Enteprise was twenty-plus years-old, was already a starship with a history. Deep Space Nine follows in this vein, Starbase Deep Space 9 (called Terok Nor by its Cardassian builders) being twenty-five years-old at the time of "Civil Defense." The crew inadvertantly trigger an anti-insurrection security program from when Terok Nor was a Cardassian ore refinery staffed by Bajoran slave labor, the back-&-forth between the program & our heroes escalating from Commander Sisko, Chief O'Brien, & Jake Sisko being locked inside ore processing to the starbase's self-destruct system counting down to doomsday. There is genuine tension & peril, with at least one Starfleet crewman killed, vaporized by a phaser created by the Ops food replicator. Diabolically ingenious, that.

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