Friday, May 10, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Meridian" (season three, episode eight; 14 November 1994): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: "Meridian" is in contention for the dubious distinction of worst episode of Deep Space Nine. In part, because the A-plot, the main story involving Jadzia Dax falling in love with an alien chap, feels generic, as if with simple, direct substitution of characters it could have been a not-very-good episode of The Next Generation or even Voyager. The B-plot is more distinctive to D.S.9, but is essentially just the prolonged set-up for a single punchline.

The finest legacy of "Meridian" is it boasts the first guest-star appearance of Jeffrey Combs, who would go on to make further one-time guest appearances on
VOY & Enterprise, as well as playing recurring characters on D.S.9 (Weyoun & Brunt, including playing both in the same episode in season seven), ENT (Shran), & Lower Decks (AGIMUS)—which is far & away the best of the new Treks.

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