Sunday, May 12, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Fascination" (season three, episode ten; 28 November 1994): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Deep Space Nine made better use of Lwaxana Troi (played by Majel Barrett), mother of Counselor Troi, in her three appearances than The Next Generation did in her six appearances. D.S.9 redeemed an essentially unwatchable character & made her sympathetic.

"Fascination" is a romp, whimsical fun from beginning to end. The crowning moment is near the end, when a lovesick Vedek Bariel sucker punches Commander Sisko, who is unfazed by the blow & thereafter easily deflects the rest of Bariel's punches, until a lovesick Lieutenant Dax lays out Bariel with a single punch. The frantic lovesick Bariel is a more interesting character than the placid everyday Bariel.

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