Monday, May 27, 2024

Section 31: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-2024)

Episode o' the Day
"Visionary" (season three, episode seventeen; 27 February 1995): Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Time travel! Romulans! Multiple Miles O'Briens! "Visionary" has it all.

A Romulan cloaking device was installed aboard the Starship
Defiant in exchange for all Starfleet intelligence on the Dominion; in "Visionary," a Romulan delegation visits Starbase Deep Space 9 to collect Starfleet's intelligence reports & interview the crew of the Defiant, who were captured by the Dominion in "The Search, Parts I & II." Romulans being so predictably treacherous, a cloaked Warbird lurks in orbit of the station, preparing to destroy Deep Space 9 & collapse the entrance to the Bajoran Wormhole, thus preempting the Dominion threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Happily for our crew, Chief O'Brien has suffered a workplace mishap, which exposed him to radiation. This radiation reacts with emissions from the Warbird's warp drive, jumping O'Brien hours into the future, where he interacts with his future self & gains information necessary to alter that future.

"Visionary" reminds us that Romulan warp drives are not powered by a matter-antimatter reaction, like Federation warp drives, but by an artificial quantum singularity (a minute black hole). Thus, the whole of J.J. Abrams's "Kelvin Timeline" can be safely dismissed as non-canonical.

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