Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Explorers' Club, № MXXVII

The Space Race—Astronaut Group 3 (the "Fourteen"), Part V
Richard Francis Gordon Junior (5 October 1929-6 November 2017), Captain, U.S. Navy—He flew Gemini XI (1966) & Apollo 12 (Yankee Clipper & Intrepid, 1969); during Gemini XI, he conducted only the fifth-ever E.V.A.; he would have commanded Apollo 18, & been the thirteenth Moonwalker, had the mission not been cancelled; he was later an executive for the N.F.L.'s New Orleans Saints.
Bonus! Space Race Song o' the Day: The Fourteen—Dick Gordon
Kemuri, "My Best Friend" from Freedomosh (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey-san)

Commentary: Gemini XI CDR Pete Conrad & Pilot Dick Gordon were best friends. Once Al Bean joined them as L.M.P. for Apollo 12, the duo became a trio. The crew of Apollo 11 were described as "amiable strangers," but the crew of Apollo 12, though less famous, were the closest of friends. In the end, friendship is of infinitely greater value than achievement.

The Wayback Machine Tour of Dick Gordon
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCCXXXIX: The 55th Anniversary of Gemini XI, Part I
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCCXL: The 55th Anniversary of Gemini XI, Part II
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCXVII: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12, Part I
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCXIX: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12, Part II
"The Explorers' Club," № DCCXX: The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 12, Part III
Requiescat in pace.

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