Sunday, August 29, 2004

Skeeter's back in town (for a few days?). Hurray!

It's a Hole!
I was digging a hole in the backyard this afternoon. Woot! As I've been mowing this summer, I've noticed an unusual amount of water pooling around our well. I wasn't sure if this water retention was due to the general sogginess of the summer (and that fact that our property sits on an old swamp) or something altogether more unpleasant. I reported my observations to Darth Vater, he conducted his own inspection, and concluded that an exploratory hole needed to be dug. Instead of hiring a crew, he contracted me to dig the necessary hole. I asked him questions about the width, length, depth, and location of this hole. Unfortunately, every time I said "well," he heard "pump," as in sump pump, which is located several yards away from the well. So, I began digging the hole near the well, as per my questions to him, only to learn that he wanted the hole dug near the sump pump. But, after the shouting and recriminations which are obligatory between two short-tempered men (especially father and son), I filled in the original hole and dug the second, correct exploratory hole. I dug a hole two feet wide, three feet long, and four feet deep, uncovering the suspect pipe, only to discover that everything is in perfect working order. So, at the end of the adventure, there is still standing water around the well (cause unknown) and a patch of grass near the sump pump has been destroyed. But at least I got to dig a hole (I kind of like digging holes) and listen to This American Life while I was doing it.

Also, beginning tomorrow and continuing through the following Monday, Labor Day, I will be taking care of two pugs belonging to the Guy's older brother Luke. Given my traditionally adversarial relationship with dogs, this will be fun. I haven't yet settled on a name for the weeklong feature, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Have a defiant night.

Have a Defiant night?

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