Today is the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael, Archangels, A.K.A. Michaelmas: Archangels-link & Wikipedia-link Michaelmas, Archangel-link Mike & Wikipedia-link Mike, Archangel-link Golf & Wikipedia-link Golf, & Archangel-link Romeo & Wikipedia-link Romeo.
Commentary: Wayback Machine '14. My pre-BLACK MAMBA interest in Michaelmas surely has nothing to do with being the namesake of the Prince of the Heavenly Host: Wayback Machine '09 & Wayback Machine '11.
Quoth the Holy Redeemer Parish bulletin:
An archangel is an angel of high rank. The archangels Gabriel, Michael, & Raphael are venerated in the Roman Catholic Church with a feast on 29 September.Quoth the Holy Family Parish bulletin:
The name Michael means, "Who is like God?" Devotion to St. Michael spread after the victory of the Lombards over the Saracens in 663 which was attributed to his intercession. The prayer to St. Michael is prayed for protection against the devil. The name Gabriel means "Power of God." In the Book of Daniel, he foretells the coming of the Messiah. In the Gospel of Luke, he foretells the birth of (St.) John the Baptist to Zachariah, & announces to (St.) Mary that she will become the Mother of Christ. The name Raphael means "God has healed." He appears in the Book of Tobit & is the patron of travelers.Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The Book of Wisdom, chapter six, verses one thru twenty-one.
Mass Readings
The Book of Daniel, chapter seven, verses nine & ten, thirteen & fourteen;
or, the Book of Revelation, chapter twelve, verses seven thru twelve(a,b);
Psalm One Hundred Thirty-eight, verses one thru five;
The Gospel according to John, chapter one, verses forty-seven thru fifty-one.
Bonus! Song of Michaelmas Day
The Stanley Brothers, "Angel Band" from O Brother, Where Art Thou?: Soundtrack from the Motion Picture (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Oh, come, angel band,
Come and around me stand,
Oh, bear me away on your snow white wings
To my immortal home,
Oh, bear me away on your snow white wings
To my immortal home."
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