Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Lord's Day

Jim Gaffigan, "Circumcision" from King Baby (Mike Papa Whiskey)

"Obviously, it started as a religious tradition, circumcision. But how 'd they even come up with the idea? Were there a bunch of religious leaders gathered & one guy was like, 'Alright, how shall we honor God?'

One was like, 'I say we don't eat pork.'

'I don't know, I like bacon. Anyone got anything else?'

'What if we cut off part of our penis?' (pregnant pause)

'Alright, no pork. We'll go no pork! I WANT THAT MAN REMOVED!'…

"I tell you, those challenges in the Bible took a leap in difficulty there, y'know. 'Don't eat this apple.—Build Me a boat.—Cut off part of your penis!'

'What if I build You two boats?'…"

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