Thursday, March 4, 2004

Sweet Alderaan!
The second half of Star Wars: Clone Wars begins on Friday, March 26! That's awesome!

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 64
As a way to reward myself for enduring the suffering and pain of the BBB, I shall not watch the first episode until the beard is gone, which should be early in the morning hours of Sunday, March 27 (meaning the post-midnight hours, so basically still Saturday night). I refuse to have the glory of Clone Wars sullied by this monstrosity. I cannot say that I like the way the beard looks on my face, but I have certainly gotten used to it. I have not gotten used to the way it feels, however, neither the itchiness nor the hair in my mouth and up my nose. Listen to me now and believe me later, beards are a tool of the Devil. At least I've lived up to my ideal that any mistake worth making is worth making big.

Just over three weeks. I can do this.

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