Saturday, July 3, 2004

Faux Independence Day
I spoke with the Mountain this afternoon and he wished me a "Happy faux Independence Day!" It would seem that in the Town of Schroon (Schroon Lake sounds fine, but something really bugs me about the words Town of Schroon), the Independence Day parade is organized by a local organization known as the Word of Life Church. The Independence Day parade was held today, July 3. Last I checked, Independence Day is July 4. But it seems the Word of Life Jesus freaks object to holding the parade on a Sunday. Who the fuck do you assholes think you are? INDEPENDENCE DAY IS JULY 4! YOU KNOW, THE FOURTH OF JULY?! Gah! I live every day of my life in fear of eternal damnation and I thank the Almighty for His Grace and the promise of salvation, but I cannot tolerate those bastards perverting His commandment to mean they can't have an Independence Day parade on Independence Day. Word of Life? More like Word of Lies.

My father fixed our flagpole (actually, the problem was with the bracket that afixed the pole to our porch) today and Old Glory is now flying outside the house. Woo hoo! I was afraid he was going to fly his new "Don't Tread on Me" flag. I understand that it is a piece of American history, but I've never liked that flag. In almost every other reference in our culture, the snake is a symbol of evil. Thus the reason that it was never adopted as our national symbol. To me, the "Don't Tread on Me" flag today is only used by anarchists (Libertarians) and others radicals who inappropriately idealize the colonial period and Jefferson's anarchist streak. Great, not only is he a piece of Nazi filth, but now my dad's as crazy as his brother, Uncle Lin. Bloody hell.

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