Saturday, July 3, 2004

Sometimes I worry that the only reason I'm friends with the Sardine is that I want to sleep with her. I mean I like her, but she also gets on my nerves. Maybe that's too harsh. But she has a very strange kind of persistantly low self-opinion, and I have no patience for it. The thing about Sardine is that she's not stunning. She's very cute in a timid, mousy kind of way, but normally I couldn't care less about cute. Pretty is great, I worship beauty, but I'm not very into cute. Yet, that's what she is. I can go for weeks without thinking about her once, but whenever we talk (usually through AIM) or especially when I see her, I am almost consumed by lust. In a manner entirely out of proportion with her attractiveness, both emotionally and physically speaking, I want her. And thus my concern.

"Scoring" is not my principle motivation in my dealings with the opposite sex. Were it so, I certainly would have strung Q-Girl along long enough to sleep with her, instead of bolting at the first sign or an ongoing relationship. So, it isn't my M.O. to "keep a girl around" just for my eventual sexual gratification, but my feelings for Sardine are so powerful and so transient as to arouse my own suspicion. In any event, we have plans for me to come down to Ann Arbor next weekend, at which point we'll go see Spider-Man 2 (apparently, she didn't think Spider-Man was anything special, and I'm trying to change her mind).

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