Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Reality Bites... So, Just Ignore It
I love Kofi Annan for his doggedness. The United Nations evacuated its missions in Iraq this past summer as soon as the bombing of their Baghdad headquarters resulted in the tragic death of Sergio Vieira de Mello. Yet, the illustrious Secretary-General continues to insist the UN play a central role in the reconstruction. What makes him think that his organization wouldn't turn tail and run once again as soon as they are attacked? And make no mistake, the insurgency continues; so, a major UN presence in-country would be an attractive target. The UN runs at the first sign of trouble, but wants to play Atlas. By that logic, the UN would be in control of Iraq, but would flee as soon as the first bomb went off, thus leaving a power vacuum for the Baathists and Jihadists to fill. How exactly, senor, would this result in a more stable Iraq? How exactly would this encourage the development of democracy?

In other news, the recently concluded European Union summit failed to agree upon a draft constitution. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Please don't think I am against a more unified Europe, I'm all for it, I just don't want to see it organized along President Chirac's model, i.e. a force to check and obstruct American "hegemony." A partner EU would be wonderful; an obstructionist EU must be stopped.)

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