Sunday, September 19, 2004

Fairly or not, it makes me nervous whenever my dad spends any significant time on the Internet. I have no idea if he's buying more guns (he owns at least four, but only admits to owning two), or just typing out more misspelling-marred tirades for non-publication in the local paper, The Flint Journal a.k.a. "The Urinal." My father is not unintelligent, he has his bachelor from Purdue Univesity and his masters from Central Michigan University, but from the letters to the editor he has asked me to read, one would think he has never completed high school. He randomly capitalizes words, usually nouns, making me feel as if I am reading German. In a recent example, he capitalized both words of the phrase "Islamic Terrorists." In the same submission, he failed on multiple occasions to capitalize the word "iraq." Since the spring, he has included several factual errors in his letters to the editor, such as when he criticized Senator Chuck Hagel (R, Nebraska) for comments that were actually made by Senator Tom Harkin (D, Iowa). Perhaps as a result of this, he has not had a letter published in months. I have to believe that in addition to the factual errors (which I attribute to being induced by anger to act without thinking), the typographical errors have negatively affected his chances of publication. Full disclosure, of course I have committed more than my fair share of typographical errors. What was my original point? Oh, yes, my dad should not be allowed to spend two or more consecutive hours sitting before his HAL and on the Internet.

Vote For Kodos
I'm not trying to be a dick, I just honestly don't understand the following statement.
IMUS: "Do you think there are any circumstances we should have gone to war in Iraq, any?"

KERRY: "Not under the current circumstances, no. There are none that I see. I voted based on weapons of mass destruction. The President distorted that, and I've said that. I mean, look, I can't be clearer. But I think it was the right vote based on what Saddam Hussein had done, and I think it was the right thing to do to hold him accountable."

1983 - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
2005 - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

George Lucas, you magnificent bastard!

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