Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Vote For Kodos
I was listening to The Diane Rehm Show this morning before class and on my drive to school. The guests were a Democratic pollster and a Republican pollster. If not an actual majority, it seemed as if the majority of the Democratic callers had questions about the draft and the scurrilous rumors that in a second Bush term, the draft will be reinstated. Are you guys really that pathetically desperate? So bereft of ideas that instead of debating policy you must resort to fearmongering about the draft? There are a lot of really smart people in the Democratic Party and a lot of really smart people who vote Democratic. If that's the best you guys can do... well, that's just sad.

Also, why it is 'Un-American" as The New York Times has said, for President Bush and Vice President Cheney to say that the country will be less safe from terrorists under a Kerry-Edwards Administration? Both Senators Kerry and Edwards say with regularity that the Iraq War has made us less safe. Why is one okay and the other "un-American"? Then again, this is the Times speaking, the home of Jayson Blair.

I was driving today when I noticed that the car in front of me had a sticker in its rear window: "100% Pure Whoop Ass." Dude, you're driving a fucking Grand Am. 100% lame ass, maybe....

It is much easier taking out the garbage with the new runway-sized driveway. The problem with the old driveway was that it was incredibly uneven; no two slabs were on the same plane. This made it not just inconvenient, but actually somewhat difficult, to roll the garbage cans down to the street. (I know, I know, tough life, huh?) Now, it's like sliding them down a ramp. So easy. Thanks, ridiculously enormous driveway!

I took the Mousemobile to Mr. Front End for a front end alignment. It can't be a good sign that the guy behind the counter, Mark, knows me by name.

Hello, Kitty
After being nearly mute for a couple weeks, Sam appears to have recovered his voice. He's whining and meowing again, rather than just opening his mouth as if to whine, only to have no sound emerge. That was creepy; so, we're glad he's noisy again. Of late, he's also been demanding cheese, but then showing no interest in it when you try to feed him. He's a spoiled old cat, and we're very well trained.

Have a superpowered night. Very apropos since Wednesday is new comic book day, no?

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