Thursday, September 30, 2004

Parker Posey Appreciation Day
In the coming months, look forward to Ms. Posey and the monsters. In early October, she stars in the USA Network movie Frankenstein, which is seen as a backdoor pilot that, if successful, might be spun into a full-fledged series. Later in the Fall, she's the single best reason to see Blade: Trinity. In the former, she's hunting the mad doctor and his infamous monster; in the latter, she's the head monster. Versatility, boys and girls, it's a great thing.

You all know that I'm no fan of baseball, but come on, there's no need to shoot at the players. Hyperlink!

Vote For Kodos - Mano a Mano
Tonight's the night, Bumbling Bush versus the American Cicero. Though my fellow GOPers have been hyping Senator Kerry's debating skills, I think it can fairly be said that the English language is not a friend of either of these men. Kerry would require seventy-four words to answer to question, "Do you love your wife and children?", whereas W. just can't speak. The man can't talk. And for the love of Bog, the word is NUCLEAR! Not "nuk-u-lar," nuclear! Gah! I have a bachelors degree in political science from the University of Michigan; so, I am required to care about the presidential debates. But really, are these three exchanges truly important? The President has been in office for three years eight months. What are you going to learn about him in a ninety minute debate that you haven't learned in the last three years eight months? Senator Kerry was the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination a full year ago, has been the presumptive Democratic nominee since March and the official Democratic nominee since July, and a United States Senator since January 3, 1985. What can you learn about him tonight, and in the other two debates, that has not already been said? But, though I don't like turkey, it just wouldn't be Thanksgiving without turkey. And it just wouldn't seem right to go through an election without a few of these farces. So, let the childish name-calling begin!

I'm not saying I favor Roman-style gladitorial combat, but wouldn't it be kind of neat if the candidates actually went mano a mano (which means "hand-to-hand," not "man-to-man")? I think Kerry, at 6'4" to W's 5'11", would have the advantage because of his longer reach, but on the other hand the president's overall health is in the top 2% of men his age. He might take a licking and keep on ticking. Hmmm, I'm sure somebody could create a realistic HAL model of Bush vs. Kerry pugilism. Shake hands, go to your corners, and when the bell rings, come out swinging.

Have a night squared.

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