Friday, March 12, 2004

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 72
I have slain the beast! Okay, that's an outright lie, the beast is still very much in tact, much to my lament. However, I have tamed the beast! The single worst part of this dreadful experience has been the mustache. I honestly do not fathom how my father has endured having one for the last thirty-five years. It's Hell. Anywho, taking a cue from Will Ferrell's new movie Anchorman I shaved the part of my mustache directly below my nose. Fear not, over niety percent of the damned thin is still in place, but I have removed the hairs that tended to snake up into my nostrils, driving my quite mad. As it is, that one small piece of grooming has removed maybe sixty percent of the discomfort of having the mustache. Now all I need to do is figure out how to not get it sopping wet when I brush my teeth and I'll be in business. Of course, it strikes me that I don't want to keep the mustache; so, it is in my self-interest to not be in business. Hmmm. Anyway, fifteen days. After these last two-plus months, I can do fifteen days standing on my head.

No, It's Not a Necklace, You Twit
In a really weird way, I greatly enjoyed doing a Rosary the other day. I closed my eyes and prayed aloud, but barely audibly, moving my lips and whispering the words. The contrast of the Hail Mary, a plea from one person to another, to the formal power of the Our Father (the Lord's Prayer) was... how do I describe this?... intense. The Catholic Mass is all about rote and ritual; it feels comfortable to pray the same way, it feels like home. I may have to make a habit of it, even after the Lenten season.

Yes, that's right, prepare for the emergence of Mike Wilson, Dreadfully Serious Catholic. More guilt than ever before! I'm kidding, yo, the day you can no longer appreciate the genius of the Buddy Christ is the day you've gone too far. "Catholicism, WOW!

Baby, It's Cold Outside
For this one day at least, there was once again snow on the ground. Totally awesome. Gnarly to the max. Radical. (I was born in 1979, those words were the bread and butter of cool when I was little.)

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