Friday, March 26, 2004

I love the Polish name for Poland, Polska. Hell of a name for a ska band, yo.

Coincidence?!... or Not?
Lewis and Clark, Lois and Clark.

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 86
It occurs to me that there are people who have only ever known me in the duration of the BBB. I wonder how they will react to my restored appearance.I'm also wondering if my head will look bigger or smaller. It might look smaller because a large fringe of hair, a mane if you will, will be gone, but it might look bigger because the fringe frames my face, and once it is gone the continuous flesh might make it seems as if my head flows all the way into my collar. Hmmmmm.

Vote For Kodos - Special Whack-A-Mole Edition
So far, no takers. Come on, you pansies, have you not the courage of your convictions?

Have a profitable day.

You know what would taste good right now? Pastrami. Blasted Lent.

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