Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Listening to former Secretary Albright's opening remarks this morning and her description of the Clinton Administration's cruise missile attacks on al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, I couldn't help but be reminded of Abraham "Grandpa" Simpson's audacious declaration, "I drove the Irish out of Springfield!," to which a red-haired man dressed in green and chewing on a pipe replied, "And a fine job ya' did of it."

Banzai Beard Bonanza: Day 83
Oh no, this morning I was zipping up my jacket and I got my beard caught in the zipper! Oh no! Admittedly, it was not exceptionally painful - nothing compared to getting you know what caught... well, you know - but it was so awful! I want my face back! This is outrageous.

{Indie Comics}
Hopeless Savages
Dirk Hopeless
Nikki Savage
Rat Hopeless-Savage
Arsenal Hopeless-Savage
Twitch Hopeless-Savage
Zero Hopeless-Savage

Blue Monday
Bleu Finnegan
Clover Connelly
Alan Walsh
Victor Gomez
Erin O'Neil

Have a musing day.

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