Monday, March 22, 2004

The worst part about Lent is that I cannot say what I want to say. Yesterday, I had to say "ho-slap," when clearly I went something else. I'm glad that I've cut down on my overall swearing, and by Jove, I'm glad diction diversification is up, but there are times when the only way to call a spade a spade is to use the word spade. Drat. But as I said, there is still a plus side, I'm using words like drat.

Sometimes there is nothing for it but to wait out your enemy. In a war of attrition, spite is the greatest weapon. Spite is a means and an end unto itself. Spite gives on the strength to turn your back on that which you cherished, once it has been corrupted and rendered impure. And now for the melodrama! In a war of attrition, I am the greatest weapon.

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