Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Today: SKAugust

Samstag, 24. August
Reel Big Fish, "Ska Show" from Life Sucks… Let's Dance! (The Last Angry Rude Boy)

Skammentary: Last Saturday, I saw The Mighty Mighty Bosstones live @ the Royal Oak Music Theatre. I went by myself because no one I invited was interested &/or available, & that was genuinely O.K. by me; even at the height of the Blue Tree Whacking golden age, when we all went to shows together, nobody else liked The Mighty Mighty Bosstones as much as I did. For their part, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are as phenomenal live as when I first saw them on stage twenty years ago. When I mentioned how much I enjoyed the show, even though I'm too old for such nonsense to Miss Mozart, my last ex-girlfriend, she replied that I'm not too old, pointing out that Dicky Barrett is fifty-five. I'm forty! Yet my brother Knights of Columbus still call me "young man" & Miss Mozart insists I'm not too old for ska shows. For Geritol's sake, when do I get to be middle age?
"Hey, everybody, let's go
Downtown to the ska show,
There's a ska show, come on, let's go!
Let's go!

"We want to dance and sing
And forget about everything
We don't want to fight, or cry,
Just have some fun before we die.

"And there's never any doubt,
That's what it's all about!

"Hey, everybody, let's go
Downtown to the ska show,
There's a ska show, come on, let's go!
Let's go!

"This invitation is for all,
It doesn't matter who you are,
It doesn't matter where you're from
'Cause everybody is welcome.

"And there's never any doubt,
That's what it's all about!

"Hey, everybody, let's go
Downtown to the ska show,
There's a ska show, come on, let's go!
Hey, everybody, let's go
Downtown to the ska show,
There's a ska show, come on, let's go!…"

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